Wednesday, 2 December 2009

A VBA function to force calculation of a cell's precedents

Here's some code I hope you don't need: a targeted 'recalculate' function.

Most Excel developers don't get huge workbooks that take twenty minutes to recalculate... It's our job to stop this kind of thing, right? But if you do, how do you get just one bit of the monster to calculate - the bit you're trying to debug, or explain the strange results in - when there's a long, long chain of dependencies on market data sources and external math libraries? The one thing you don't want to do is recalculate the whole workbook, but recalculating the cell with the F2 key is useless because it doesn't go right down the 'precedents' (Microsoft's term for the chain of cells and ranges that feed into your cell), no matter what you read in the documentation.

So I started writing a tool to record the chain of precedents, and found that really complex spreadsheets could produce so much dependency data that the text output was impossible to assimilate. What I found out next was that presenting this mass of data in a structured way breaks down because there are no tools that can represent cross-linkage without turning into a visual spaghetti, and the only good tool for representing the mess as a branching structure - the treeview control - is unstable in Excel at the best of times and blows up if there's more than 16 layers of recursion or more than 255 subnodes in any given node.

But the end result of this failed project was a tool that could explore the precedents, list them in a collection and, having discovered all the sources leading into a cell, back it's way out of the dependency chain while only calculating each cell once. That's efficient - not as quick as Excel's internal dependency chain, but it's often quicker than recalculating an over-complicated workbook. And it works a treat when Excel's dependency tree is broken, or blocked by named ranges, indirect references, and third-party libraries which place range pointers in a cell instead of range addresses.

Feel free to post your code if you get a visualisation tool to work! Also, please let me know if you can think of a way of identifying homogeneous blocks of formulae and enumerating them in one go, instead of repeating the search on cell after cell. It's not that it can't be done, but I can't see a way of doing it reliably and quickly enough to use on thousands of formulae.

Anyway, here's the code, complete with a snippet for putting it into an add-in and populating the popup 'cell' menu with a button that calls the function. As always, beware of spurious line breaks and syntax errors introduced by the Blogger platform's automatic formatting.

Option Explicit
Option Private Module

Private Sub CalculatePrecedents(rngCalc As Excel.Range, Optional bVerbose As Boolean = False)

' Recursive function to force calculation of a dependency chain
' with additional coding to prevent searching any range twice

On Error Resume Next

Static iRecurse As Long
Static colRanges As Scripting.Dictionary
Static colWorkbooks As Scripting.Dictionary
Static xlPriorCalcSetting As XlCalculation
Static iSearched As Long
Static iCalculated As Long
Static arrNames() As String
Static iCountNames As Long
Static sWorkbookName As String

Dim iCountPrecedents As Long
Dim rPrecedent As Excel.Range
Dim rCell As Excel.Range
Dim myName As Excel.Name
Dim strName As String
Dim strAddress As String
Dim strFormula As String
Dim iLen As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim iMatch As Integer
Dim iNextChar As Integer
Dim iPrevChar As Integer
Dim boolIsName As Boolean

' Do we need new collections for the searched formulae and calculated ranges?
If iRecurse = 0 Or rngCalc.Worksheet.Parent.Name <> sWorkbookName Then

    If colWorkbooks Is Nothing Then
        Set colWorkbooks = New Scripting.Dictionary
    End If
    ' save sets for current workbook
    If Not (colWorkbooks.Exists("Ranges: " & sWorkbookName) Or colRanges Is Nothing) Then
        colWorkbooks.Add "Ranges: " & sWorkbookName, colRanges
    End If
    ' retrieve sets for newly-discovered workbook
    sWorkbookName = rngCalc.Worksheet.Parent.Name
    If colWorkbooks.Exists("Ranges: " & sWorkbookName) Then
        Set colRanges = colWorkbooks("Ranges: " & sWorkbookName)
        Set colRanges = Nothing
    End If
End If

If colRanges Is Nothing Or iRecurse = 0 Then

    xlPriorCalcSetting = Application.Calculation
    ' Initialise the collection that prevents checking the same range twice:
    Set colRanges = New Scripting.Dictionary
    ' initialise and populate the array of names: this is used for a fast
    ' search to see if a named range is referenced in a formula - a test
    ' that isn't reliably executed by Excel's native 'precedents' function
    iCountNames = rngCalc.Worksheet.Parent.Names.Count

    Application.StatusBar = "Trace precedents: collating named range addresses in " & sWorkbookName & "..."

    If bVerbose = True Then
        Debug.Print "Trace precedents: collating named range addresses in " & sWorkbookName & "..."
    End If

    If iCountNames > 0 Then
        ReDim arrNames(1 To iCountNames)
        For i = 1 To iCountNames
            strName = ""
            strName = rngCalc.Worksheet.Parent.Names(i).NameLocal
            If InStr(1, strName, "!") > 0 Then
                strName = left(strName, InStr(1, strName, "!") - 1)
            End If
            arrNames(i) = strName
        Next i
        ' Sort in descending order: looking for the longest names first allows us
        ' to prevent a match on 'ABCDE' being masked by finding 'BCD'
        BubbleSortOnLen arrNames, xlDescending
    End If '  iCountNames > 0
    Application.StatusBar = "Trace precedents: analysing first cell..."
    If bVerbose = True Then
        Debug.Print "Trace precedents: analysing first cell... '" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.Address
    End If
End If

' Check for ranges we've searched before.

' First check: it might be a single cell; if so, is it part of an array we've already analysed?
If rngCalc.Cells.Count = 1 Then
    If rngCalc.HasArray Then
        If colRanges.Exists("'" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.CurrentArray) Then
           GoTo ExitSub
            colRanges.Add "'" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.CurrentArray, "Recursion " & CStr(iRecurse) & vbTab & "'" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.AddressLocal & vbTab & "{" & rngCalc.Formula & "}"
        End If
    End If

    ' Exit if there's no formula; there can be no precedents
    ' Note that we had to check it wan't an array beforehand
    If Not (IsNull(rngCalc.HasFormula) Or (rngCalc.HasFormula = True)) Then
        GoTo ExitSub
    End If
End If  ' rngCalc.Cells.Count = 1

' Check that we haven't searched this range already - there's an overhead doing this, but it's better than repeated search and calculation
If colRanges.Exists("'" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.AddressLocal) Then
    GoTo ExitSub
    colRanges.Add "'" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.AddressLocal, "Recursion " & CStr(iRecurse) & vbTab & "'" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.AddressLocal
End If

' Keep track of recursion: this tells us when the search has been completed
If iRecurse < 0 Then
    iRecurse = 0
End If

If iSearched Mod 10 = 0 Then
    Application.StatusBar = "Trace precedents: searched " & Format(iSearched, "#,##0") & "    Calculated " & Format(iCalculated, "#,##0") & "    Recursion level " & iRecurse & "    Cell '" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.Address
End If

If bVerbose = True Then
    Debug.Print "Trace precedents - search " & iSearched & ":" & vbTab & " Precedents of " & vbTab & "'" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.AddressLocal & vbTab & " Formula: " & rngCalc.Formula & vbTab & " at recursion level " & iRecurse
End If

If rngCalc.Cells.Count = 1 Then

    strFormula = ""
    strFormula = LTrim(rngCalc.Formula)
    ' Check for named ranges in the formula: these are not
    ' recognized as reliably as "A1" specified addresses
    ' and will therefore not be recognised as precedents
    For i = 1 To iCountNames Step 1
        strName = ""
        strName = arrNames(i)

        iMatch = InStr(1, strFormula, strName, vbTextCompare)
        If iMatch > 0 Then
            boolIsName = True
            ' A name like "res" might well be a substring of another name, or of a
            ' function name. So we must establish that the string we've found isn't
            ' just a match for a named range: it's got to be in use as an address.
            iLen = Len(strName)
            iPrevChar = 0
            iNextChar = 0
            If iMatch + iLen = Len(strFormula) Then
                iNextChar = 0
                iNextChar = iMatch + iLen + 1
                Select Case Mid(strFormula, iNextChar, 1)
                Case "(", Chr(34), ".", "!", "a" To "z", "A" To "Z", 0 To 9
                    'strName definitely isn't a named range
                    boolIsName = False
                Case Else
                    ' no action... move to next test
                End Select
            End If
            If iMatch > 1 Then
                iPrevChar = iMatch - 1
                Select Case Mid(strFormula, iPrevChar, 1)
                Case Chr(34), ".", "!", "a" To "z", "A" To "Z", 0 To 9
                    'strName definitely isn't a named range
                    boolIsName = False
                Case Else
                    ' no action... move to next test
                End Select
            End If
            If boolIsName Then
                iSearched = iSearched + 1
                iRecurse = iRecurse + 1
                CalculatePrecedents rngCalc.Worksheet.Parent.Names(strName).RefersToRange, bVerbose
                iRecurse = iRecurse - 1
                ' Strip the matched name out of our formula string, so we only analyse it once:
                strFormula = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(strFormula, strName, "")
            End If 'boolIsName
        End If
    Next i
    iCountPrecedents = 0
    iCountPrecedents = rngCalc.DirectPrecedents.Count
    If iCountPrecedents > 0 Then
        For Each rPrecedent In rngCalc.DirectPrecedents
            iSearched = iSearched + 1
            iRecurse = iRecurse + 1
            CalculatePrecedents rPrecedent, bVerbose
            iRecurse = iRecurse - 1
    End If ' .DirectPrecedents.Count = 0


    ' unless it's an array formula, search each cell
    If IsNull(rngCalc.FormulaArray) Then
        For Each rCell In rngCalc.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
            If rCell.HasFormula Then
                iSearched = iSearched + 1
                iRecurse = iRecurse + 1
                CalculatePrecedents rCell, bVerbose
                iRecurse = iRecurse - 1
            End If
        Next rCell
        ' for an array, run the precedents of the entire range:
        For Each rPrecedent In rngCalc.DirectPrecedents
            iSearched = iSearched + 1
            iRecurse = iRecurse + 1
            CalculatePrecedents rPrecedent, bVerbose
            iRecurse = iRecurse - 1
    End If

End If ' cells.count = 1

iCalculated = iCalculated + 1

If bVerbose = True Then
    Debug.Print "Calculating cell " & iCalculated & " (recursion layer " & iRecurse & "): " & "'" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.AddressLocal & vbTab & vbTab & rngCalc.Formula
End If

If bVerbose = True Then
    Debug.Print vbTab & "Trace precedents - Calculation " & iCalculated & ":" & vbTab & "'" & rngCalc.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & rngCalc.AddressLocal & vbTab & " Formula: "; vbTab & rngCalc.Formula & " at recursion level " & iRecurse
End If



    If iRecurse < 0 Then  ' this is redundant in production code, but it'll save you grief in development
        iRecurse = 0
    End If
    If iRecurse = 0 Then
        If bVerbose = True Then
            Application.StatusBar = "Trace precedents searched " & Format(iSearched, "#,##0") & "    Calculated " & Format(iCalculated, "#,##0") & "    Recursion returned to " & iRecurse
        End If
        Erase arrNames
        Application.StatusBar = False
        iSearched = 0
        iCalculated = 0
        Set colRanges = Nothing
        Application.Calculation = xlPriorCalcSetting
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub BubbleSortOnLen(ByRef arrStrings() As String, Optional SortOrder As Excel.XlSortOrder = xlAscending)
' Modified Bubble Sort: sort an array of strings by length

Dim iFirst  As Integer
Dim iLast   As Integer
Dim i       As Integer
Dim j       As Integer
Dim sTemp   As String

    iFirst = LBound(arrStrings)
    iLast = UBound(arrStrings)
    If SortOrder = xlAscending Then
        For i = iFirst To iLast - 1
            For j = i + 1 To iLast
                If Len(arrStrings(i)) > Len(arrStrings(j)) Then
                    sTemp = arrStrings(j)
                    arrStrings(j) = arrStrings(i)
                    arrStrings(i) = sTemp
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
    Else   ' SortOrder = xlDescending
        For i = iFirst To iLast - 1
            For j = i + 1 To iLast
                If Len(arrStrings(i)) < Len(arrStrings(j)) Then
                    sTemp = arrStrings(j)
                    arrStrings(j) = arrStrings(i)
                    arrStrings(i) = sTemp
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
    End If ' sortorder
End Sub

Public Sub CalculateSelection()
' Called from a button in a menubar or popup

On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Public Sub GetPrecedents()
' Called from a button in a menubar or popup

    CalculatePrecedents Selection, False
End Sub

And here's the boilerplate code that puts Calculate Precedents into an add-in's 'Workbook' object module and adds our function to the right-click popup menu for an Excel worksheet:

Option Explicit

Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall()

Dim objCbtn As Office.CommandBarButton
Dim objCbtn2 As Office.CommandBarButton
Dim objCbar As Office.CommandBar

With Application.CommandBars("Cell")

    Set objCbtn = .FindControl(, , "Calculate Precedents", , True)
    Do Until objCbtn Is Nothing
        Set objCbtn = .FindControl(, , "Calculate Precedents", , True)
    Set objCbtn = .Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
End With  'Application.CommandBars("Cell")

With objCbtn

    .BeginGroup = True
    .Caption = "Calculate Precedents"
    .DescriptionText = "Locate all precedents and calculate recursively"
    .OnAction = "GetPrecedents"
    .Tag = "Calculate Precedents"
    .TooltipText = "Locate all precedents and calculate recursively"
    .FaceId = 452
End With 'objCbtn
Set objCbtn = Nothing

With Application.CommandBars("Cell")

    Set objCbtn = .FindControl(, , "Calculate Selection", , True)
    Do Until objCbtn Is Nothing
        Set objCbtn = .FindControl(, , "Calculate Selection", , True)
    Set objCbtn = .Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , , True)
End With  'Application.CommandBars("Cell")

With objCbtn

    .Caption = "Calculate Selection"
    .OnAction = "CalculateSelection"
    .Tag = "Calculate Selection"
    .TooltipText = "Calculate the selected range"
    .FaceId = 346
End With 'objCbtn
Set objCbtn = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall()

Dim objCbtn As Office.CommandBarButton

With Application.CommandBars("Cell")

    Set objCbtn = .FindControl(, , "Calculate Precedents", , True)
    If Not objCbtn Is Nothing Then
    End If
    Set objCbtn = .FindControl(, , "Calculate Selection", , True)
    If Not objCbtn Is Nothing Then
    End If
End With  'Application.CommandBars("Cell")
Set objCbtn = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

Call Workbook_AddinUninstall

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Call Workbook_AddinInstall

End Sub

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