Friday, 30 January 2009

Introduction to Excellerando

Welcome to Excellerando, a blog devoted to arcane VBA-Geekery, mostly in Microsoft Excel.

I don't claim to be a definitive source on the subject (that would be the book Professional Excel Development by Stephen Bullen, Rob Bovey and John Green). Instead, you'll get odd code scraps, fixes to uncommon problems, and usable code that saves reinventing the wheel.

Much of it will have a financial and banking perspective, because that's what I've spent the last ten years doing for a living: bashing out spreadsheets and add-ins for traders, analysts, risk managers and anyone else who asks in banks and hedge funds.

Comments are welcome; questions will be answered - eventually - but your first port of call for any Excel question should be the Usenet boards or a quick search through Daily Dose of Excel, a blog that you really should be reading every day if you're programming with Excel for a living.

Meanwhile, sit back, relax, and reflect upon the knowledge that the worst job you've ever been asked to do in Excel has surely been done already by someone else, and the source code's out there. Or, quite possibly, here.

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