Sunday, 23 June 2013

Code for a version-independent date picker

By now, you're either working entirely in 64-bit windows and the 64-bit versions of VBA in Office 2010 and 2013, or sort-of-stuck with running office in 32-bit mode because all the 32-bit OCX and COM objects are broken. A good (or bad) example of this is the Date-Picker control, and I ended up coding a native VBA version that runs on either OS. This code won't do it all for you: you've got to build the form and create the controls - I don't do downloads on this server - but it's a good overview of the coding you've got to do to make a date-picker work.

Option Explicit

' Version-independent date-picker form, entirely
' built in MSForms controls and native VBA.

' Note that the date-selector functions for month
' and year respect end-of-month: jumping back one
' month from March 31st goes to February 28th and
' jumping forward one month from Feb 28th goes to
' March 31st - not March 28th, the result you get
' using the native Excel and VBA date arithmetic.

'   ********************************************

'   Author: Nigel Heffernan
'   June 2013

'    You are advised to segregate this code from
'   any proprietary or commercially-confidential
'   source code, and to label it clearly. If you
'   fail do do so, there is a risk that you will
'   impair your right to assert ownership of any
'   intellectual property embedded in your work;
'   or impair your employers or clients' ability
'   to do so if the intellectual property rights
'   in your work have been assigned to them.
'   You are free to use this code as-is, but all
'   use is entirely at your own risk: the author
'   accepts no liability arising from the use of
'   this source code or any work derived from it
'   and no warranty is offered or implied.
'    You are asked, as a matter of professional
'    courtesy, to acknowledge the author of any
'    source code that you incorporate into your
'    work, with a link to author's website or a
'    link to the relevant open-source community
'    site if that was where you found the code.
'   You are strongly advised to include both the
'   copyright and liability disclaimers, and to
'   consult your company's legal advisors with a
'   view to providing equivalent and appropriate
'   notices and disclaimers.

'   ********************************************


'Option Explicit
'Option Private Module  ' Don't expose this for use in formulas

'Public Function DatePicker(Optional StartDate As Date = 0, _
'                  Optional LinkedCell As Excel.Range, _
'                  Optional Caption As String = "Select date") As Date
'' Open a date picker form and return the date selected by the user.
'' This function respects end-of-month: jumping forward a month from
'' February 28th lands on March 31st, not March 28th.
'' Clicking Cancel, or the form's window close button, will discard
'' the user's selection and return the initial date.

'If StartDate = 0 Then
'    StartDate = VBA.Date
'End If
'With frmDatePicker
'    .Caption = Caption
'    If LinkedCell Is Nothing Then
'        ' no action
'    ElseIf Not IsDate(LinkedCell.Cells(1, 1).Value) Then
'        ' no action
'    Else
'        .txtSelectedDate.ControlSource = Chr(39) & LinkedCell.Worksheet.Name & Chr(39) & "!" & LinkedCell.Cells(1, 1).Address
'        If IsDate(LinkedCell.Value) Or IsNumeric(LinkedCell.Value2) Then
'            StartDate = CVDate(LinkedCell.Value)
'        Else
'            StartDate = VBA.Date
'        End If
'    End If
'    .InitialDate = StartDate
'    .StartUpPosition = 0 'manual
'    .Left = Application.Left + (0.5 * Application.Width) - (0.5 * .Width)
'    .Top = Application.Top + (0.5 * Application.Height) - (0.5 * .Height)
'    .Show
'End With
'' This 'With' block exit and re-entry avoids OLE disconnection errors if the form window is closed
'With frmDatePicker
'    If .Cancel Then
'        DatePicker = StartDate
'        If Not LinkedCell Is Nothing Then
'            LinkedCell.Value2 = StartDate
'        End If
'    Else
'        DatePicker = .SelectedDate
'        If Not LinkedCell Is Nothing Then
'            LinkedCell.Value2 = .SelectedDate
'        End If
'    End If
'End With
'Unload frmDatePicker
'End Function

'  *************************************************************************************

#If VBA7 And Win64 Then    ' 64 bit Excel
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As LongLong)
#Else    ' 32 bit Excel
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
#End If

Private Const BTN_MEDIUM As Long = &HE0E0E0
Private Const BTN_DARK_1 As Long = &HD0D0D0
Private Const BTN_LIGHT  As Long = &HF0F0F0

Private Const FONT_DARK  As Long = &H800000
Private Const FONT_LIGHT As Long = &HFFFFA0
Private Const FONT_GREY  As Long = &H808080

Private Const BTN_DELAY  As Long = 150

Private Const YEAR_START As Long = -3

Private m_dtSelected As Date    ' The selected date, as displayed
Private m_dtInitial  As Date    ' an initial date set externally by a VBA caller
Private m_BaseDate   As Date    ' A nominal date corresponding to day button zero
Private m_Month      As Long    ' The current month (as 1-12)
Private m_Year       As Long    ' The current year

Public Cancel As Boolean        ' Cancel remains true until the user performs some
                                ' action that selects a date, or clicks 'OK'

Public Property Get InitialDate() As Date

    InitialDate = m_dtInitial
End Property

Public Property Let InitialDate(DateInitial As Date)
' InitialDate is the date returned to callers when Cancel=True

'   Cancel is set TRUE on initialisation, or on setting this property
'   All user actions that select a date set Cancel=False
'   The user action 'Cancel' sets Cancel=True

    m_dtInitial = DateInitial
    SelectedDate = m_dtInitial
    Cancel = True
End Property

Public Property Get SelectedDate() As Date
' Return the date currently selected

    SelectedDate = m_dtSelected
End Property

Public Property Let SelectedDate(DateSelected As Date)

Dim lngLabel As Long
Dim strLabel As String

On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False

    m_dtSelected = DateSelected
    If m_Month <> Month(DateSelected) Or m_Year <> Year(DateSelected) Then
        m_Month = Month(DateSelected)
        m_Year = Year(DateSelected)
        DisplayMonth m_Year, m_Month
    End If
    'lng Label is the ordinal (1 to 42) of the 'day' button for the selected date
    lngLabel = DateSelected - m_BaseDate
    strLabel = "day" & Right("00" & lngLabel, 2)
    DayButton_Click Me.Controls(strLabel)
    Me.txtSelectedDate = Format(DateSelected, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
    Me.cboMonth.Text = Format(DateSelected, "mmmm")
    Me.cboYear.Text = Format(DateSelected, "yyyy")
    Me.Cancel = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Property

Private Sub DisplayMonth(iYear As Long, lngMonth As Long)

Dim lngStartDate As Long  ' First day of this month
Dim lngEndDate   As Long  ' First day of this month
Dim strCtrlName  As String
Dim lngLabel     As Long
Dim lngWeekDay   As Long
Dim lngDate      As Long  ' local variable, incremented in a loop

lngStartDate = DateSerial(iYear, lngMonth, 1)
lngEndDate = DateSerial(iYear, lngMonth + 1, 1) - 1  ' DateSerial(2014, 13, 1) ' actually works in VBA

lngWeekDay = Weekday(lngStartDate)
m_BaseDate = lngStartDate - lngWeekDay

For lngLabel = 1 To 42

    lngDate = m_BaseDate + lngLabel
    strCtrlName = "day" & Right("00" & lngLabel, 2)
    With Me.Controls(strCtrlName)
        .Caption = Day(lngDate)
        If lngDate = m_dtSelected Then
            FormatSelected Me.Controls(strCtrlName)
            FormatDeselected Me.Controls(strCtrlName), lngMonth
        End If
    End With
Next lngLabel

End Sub

Private Sub FormatSelected(ctrl As MSForms.Control)
' format the day selector control  for a selection 'click'

Dim lngLabel As Integer

With ctrl
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken
    lngLabel = CInt(Right(.Name, 2))
    If lngLabel Mod 7 > 1 Then
        .BackColor = BTN_LIGHT - &H606060
        .BackColor = BTN_MEDIUM - &H606060
    End If
    .ForeColor = &HFFFFB0   ' FONT_LIGHT
    .Font.Bold = True
End With

End Sub

Private Sub FormatDeselected(ctrl As MSForms.Control, Optional lngMonth As Long = 0)
' format the day selector control  for a selection 'click'

Dim lngLabel As Integer
Dim lngDate  As Long

If lngMonth = 0 Then
    lngMonth = Month(m_dtSelected)
End If

With ctrl
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectEtched
    lngLabel = CInt(Right(.Name, 2))
    lngDate = m_BaseDate + lngLabel
    If lngLabel Mod 7 > 1 Then
        .BackColor = BTN_LIGHT
        .BackColor = BTN_MEDIUM
    End If
    .Font.Bold = False
    If lngLabel Mod 7 > 1 Then
        .BackColor = BTN_LIGHT
        .BackColor = BTN_MEDIUM
    End If
    If Month(lngDate) = lngMonth Then
        '.Enabled = True
        .ForeColor = FONT_DARK
        '.Enabled = False
        .ForeColor = FONT_GREY
        .BackColor = BTN_MEDIUM
    End If
End With

End Sub

Private Sub DayButton_Click(ctrlClicked As MSForms.Control, Optional SetDate As Boolean = True)

Dim lngLabel As Integer
Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control
    For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
        ' Enforce 'toggle' behaviour: deselect any other date button that's selected
        If Left(ctrl.Name, 3) = "day" And ctrl.Name <> ctrlClicked.Name Then
            If ctrl.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken Then
                FormatDeselected ctrl
            End If
        End If
    With ctrlClicked
        lngLabel = CInt(Right(.Name, 2))
        If .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectEtched Then
            FormatSelected ctrlClicked
            If SetDate Then
                SelectedDate = m_BaseDate + lngLabel
            End If
        End If
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub cboMonth_Change()

Dim lngDate As Date
Dim lngMonth As Long
Dim lngShift As Long

If Application.EnableEvents = False Then Exit Sub

lngDate = SelectedDate
lngMonth = cboMonth.ListIndex + 1
lngShift = lngMonth - Month(lngDate)

ShiftMonth lngShift

End Sub

Public Sub ShiftMonth(lngShift As Long)

Dim lngDate As Date
lngDate = SelectedDate

    ' Respect end-of-month logic: adding 1 month to Feb 28th does NOT equal March 28
    If DateSerial(Year(lngDate), Month(lngDate) + 1, 1) - 1 = lngDate Then ' start from EOM
        SelectedDate = DateSerial(Year(lngDate), Month(lngDate) + lngShift + 1, 1) - 1
    ElseIf DateSerial(Year(lngDate), Month(lngDate), 1) = lngDate Then    ' start from BOM
        SelectedDate = DateSerial(Year(lngDate), Month(lngDate) + lngShift, 1)
        SelectedDate = DateAdd("m", lngShift, lngDate)
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub cboYear_Change()
If Application.EnableEvents = False Then Exit Sub

Dim lngDate As Date
Dim lngYear As Long
Dim lngShift As Long

If Len(cboYear.Text) < 2 Then Exit Sub

lngDate = SelectedDate
lngYear = cboYear.Text

If lngYear > -1 And lngYear < 100 Then
    lngYear = Year(SelectedDate) - (Year(SelectedDate) Mod 100) + lngYear
End If

lngShift = lngYear - Year(lngDate)

ShiftYear lngShift

End Sub

Public Sub ShiftYear(lngShift As Long)

Dim lngDate As Date
lngDate = SelectedDate

    ' Respect end-of-month logic: adding 1 month to Feb 28th does NOT equal March 28
    If DateSerial(Year(lngDate), Month(lngDate) + 1, 1) - 1 = lngDate Then ' start from EOM
        SelectedDate = DateSerial(Year(lngDate) + lngShift, Month(lngDate) + 1, 1) - 1
    ElseIf DateSerial(Year(lngDate), Month(lngDate), 1) = lngDate Then    ' start from BOM
        SelectedDate = DateSerial(Year(lngDate) + lngShift, Month(lngDate), 1)
        SelectedDate = DateAdd("yyyy", lngShift, lngDate)
    End If

End Sub

' ***  Note the use of label controls instead of MSForms butttons
' The MS Forms 'button' controls don't support the fine detail we
' need in this kind of densely-packed and densely-functional form

Private Sub cmdDateDec_Click()
' Microbutton decrementing a textbox: dynamic formatting required
With cmdDateDec
    .Top = .Top - 0.75
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken
    Sleep BTN_DELAY
    Me.SelectedDate = Me.SelectedDate - 1
    .Top = .Top + 0.75
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectFlat
End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDateInc_Click()
' Microbutton incrementing a textbox: dynamic formatting required
With cmdDateInc
    .Top = .Top - 0.75
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken
    Sleep BTN_DELAY
    Me.SelectedDate = Me.SelectedDate + 1
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectFlat
    .Top = .Top + 0.75
End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdMonthDec_Click()
' Microbutton decrementing a textbox: dynamic formatting required
With cmdMonthDec
    .Top = .Top - 0.75
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken
    Sleep BTN_DELAY
    ShiftMonth -1
    .Top = .Top + 0.75
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectFlat
End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdMonthInc_Click()
' Microbutton incrementing a textbox: dynamic formatting required
With cmdMonthInc
    .Top = .Top - 0.75
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken
    Sleep BTN_DELAY
    ShiftMonth 1
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectFlat
    .Top = .Top + 0.75
End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdYearDec_Click()
' Microbutton decrementing a textbox: dynamic formatting required
With cmdYearDec
    .Top = .Top - 0.75
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken
    Sleep BTN_DELAY
    ShiftYear -1
    .Top = .Top + 0.75
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectFlat
End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdYearInc_Click()
' Microbutton incrementing a textbox: dynamic formatting required
With cmdYearInc
    .Top = .Top - 0.75
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken
    Sleep BTN_DELAY
    ShiftYear 1
    .SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectFlat
    .Top = .Top + 0.75
End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

cmdCancel.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken

Me.SelectedDate = m_dtInitial
Me.Cancel = True
cmdCancel.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectEtched

End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

cmdOK.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectSunken
cmdOK.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectEtched


End Sub

Private Sub txtSelectedDate_Change()

Dim lngYear As Long
Dim strDate As String
Dim arrDate As Variant
Dim lngDate As Variant
Dim varTemp As Variant

If Application.EnableEvents = False Then Exit Sub

txtSelectedDate.Text = Replace(txtSelectedDate.Text, "/", "-")
txtSelectedDate.Text = Replace(txtSelectedDate.Text, " ", "-")
txtSelectedDate.Text = Replace(txtSelectedDate.Text, ",", "-")
txtSelectedDate.Text = Replace(txtSelectedDate.Text, ".", "-")
txtSelectedDate.Text = Replace(txtSelectedDate.Text, "--", "-")

arrDate = Split(txtSelectedDate.Text, "-")

If UBound(arrDate) < 2 Then Exit Sub
If UBound(arrDate) > 2 Then ReDim Preserve arrDate(0 To 2)

If Len(CStr(arrDate(0))) > 2 Then

    ' Swap mmm-dd-yyyy to dd-mmm-yyyy
    If IsNumeric(arrDate(1)) And Not IsNumeric(arrDate(0)) Then
        varTemp = arrDate(0)
        arrDate(0) = arrDate(1)
        arrDate(1) = varTemp
    ' Swap 05-26-2011 to 26-05-2011
    If IsNumeric(arrDate(1)) And IsNumeric(arrDate(0)) Then
        If arrDate(1) > 12 And arrDate(0) < 12 Then
            varTemp = arrDate(0)
            arrDate(0) = arrDate(1)
            arrDate(1) = varTemp
        End If
    End If
    ' Swap yyyy-mmm-dd to dd-mmm-yyyy
    ElseIf Len(CStr(arrDate(0))) = 4 And Len(arrDate(2)) < 3 Then
        varTemp = arrDate(0)
        arrDate(0) = arrDate(2)
        arrDate(2) = varTemp
    End If

End If

If Not IsNumeric(arrDate(0)) Then Exit Sub
If arrDate(0) < 1 Then Exit Sub

If Not IsNumeric(arrDate(2)) Then
    Exit Sub
ElseIf Len(arrDate(2)) < 2 Then
    Exit Sub                        'do nothing, the user is still typing the year
ElseIf Left(arrDate(2), 2) = CStr((Year(Date) \ 100)) And Len(arrDate(2)) < 4 Then
    Exit Sub   'do nothing, the user is still typing the year
End If

strDate = "00" & Right(arrDate(0), 2) & "-" & arrDate(1) & "-" & arrDate(2)

If IsDate(strDate) Then
    Me.SelectedDate = CVDate(strDate)
End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtSelectedDate_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

With txtSelectedDate

    If IsDate(.Value) Then
        Select Case .SelStart
        Case 1, 2
            Me.SelectedDate = Me.SelectedDate + 1
        Case 3, 4, 5, 6
            ' Respect end-of-month logic: adding 1 month to Feb 28th does NOT equal March 28
            If Month(SelectedDate + 1) <> Month(SelectedDate) Then
                SelectedDate = DateSerial(Year(SelectedDate), Month(SelectedDate) + 2, 1) - 1
                SelectedDate = DateAdd("m", 1, SelectedDate)
            End If
        Case Is > 7
            ' However, we do not apply EOM logic for leap years: it surprises the users
             SelectedDate = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, SelectedDate)
        End Select
    End If

End With

End Sub

Private Sub txtSelectedDate_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

   'Supports direct user edits in the control
    If IsDate(txtSelectedDate.Value) Then
        If Me.SelectedDate <> CVDate(txtSelectedDate.Value) Then
            Me.SelectedDate = CVDate(txtSelectedDate.Value)
        End If
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim lngLabel As Long
Dim strLabel As String
Dim lngDate     As Long
    Me.Caption = "Select Date"
    SelectedDate = Date
    ' Populate day name labels, lblDay1 to lblDay7
    ' Doing this in code picks up the locale's day
    ' abbreviations - test this on a 'French' PC
    lngDate = SelectedDate
    Do Until Weekday(lngDate) = 7
        lngDate = lngDate + 1
    For lngLabel = 1 To 7
        strLabel = "lblDay" & lngLabel
        Me.Controls(strLabel).Caption = Format(lngDate + lngLabel, "ddd")
    Next lngLabel
    lngDate = SelectedDate
    With cboMonth
        For lngLabel = 1 To 12
            .AddItem Format(DateSerial(Year(lngDate), lngLabel, 1), "mmmm")
        Next lngLabel
        .ListIndex = Month(lngDate) - 1
    End With
    lngDate = SelectedDate
    With cboYear
        For lngLabel = YEAR_START To 10
            .AddItem Year(lngDate) + lngLabel
        Next lngLabel
        .ListIndex = -YEAR_START
    End With
    Me.InitialDate = lngDate    ' This also sets Me.Cancel = True
                                ' Cancel remains true until the user selects a date
End Sub

Private Sub day01_Click(): DayButton_Click day01: End Sub
Private Sub day02_Click(): DayButton_Click day02: End Sub
Private Sub day03_Click(): DayButton_Click day03: End Sub
Private Sub day04_Click(): DayButton_Click day04: End Sub
Private Sub day05_Click(): DayButton_Click day05: End Sub
Private Sub day06_Click(): DayButton_Click day06: End Sub
Private Sub day07_Click(): DayButton_Click day07: End Sub
Private Sub day08_Click(): DayButton_Click day08: End Sub
Private Sub day09_Click(): DayButton_Click day09: End Sub
Private Sub day10_Click(): DayButton_Click day10: End Sub
Private Sub day11_Click(): DayButton_Click day11: End Sub
Private Sub day12_Click(): DayButton_Click day12: End Sub
Private Sub day13_Click(): DayButton_Click day13: End Sub
Private Sub day14_Click(): DayButton_Click day14: End Sub
Private Sub day15_Click(): DayButton_Click day15: End Sub
Private Sub day16_Click(): DayButton_Click day16: End Sub
Private Sub day17_Click(): DayButton_Click day17: End Sub
Private Sub day18_Click(): DayButton_Click day18: End Sub
Private Sub day19_Click(): DayButton_Click day19: End Sub
Private Sub day20_Click(): DayButton_Click day20: End Sub
Private Sub day21_Click(): DayButton_Click day21: End Sub
Private Sub day22_Click(): DayButton_Click day22: End Sub
Private Sub day23_Click(): DayButton_Click day23: End Sub
Private Sub day24_Click(): DayButton_Click day24: End Sub
Private Sub day25_Click(): DayButton_Click day25: End Sub
Private Sub day26_Click(): DayButton_Click day26: End Sub
Private Sub day27_Click(): DayButton_Click day27: End Sub
Private Sub day28_Click(): DayButton_Click day28: End Sub
Private Sub day29_Click(): DayButton_Click day29: End Sub
Private Sub day30_Click(): DayButton_Click day30: End Sub
Private Sub day31_Click(): DayButton_Click day31: End Sub
Private Sub day32_Click(): DayButton_Click day32: End Sub
Private Sub day33_Click(): DayButton_Click day33: End Sub
Private Sub day34_Click(): DayButton_Click day34: End Sub
Private Sub day35_Click(): DayButton_Click day35: End Sub
Private Sub day36_Click(): DayButton_Click day36: End Sub
Private Sub day37_Click(): DayButton_Click day37: End Sub
Private Sub day38_Click(): DayButton_Click day38: End Sub
Private Sub day39_Click(): DayButton_Click day39: End Sub
Private Sub day40_Click(): DayButton_Click day40: End Sub
Private Sub day41_Click(): DayButton_Click day41: End Sub
Private Sub day42_Click(): DayButton_Click day42: End Sub